Cinzia Rascazzo

About Cinzia Rascazzo

Italian Cooking School in Italy, providing culinary vacations and wine tours in Puglia and other regions in Italy.

How to buy or choose the best extra virgin olive oil

Know what you eat! Not all extra virgn olive oils are the same! I am not talking about adulterated oil. Even those labeled as “extra virgin olive oils”, and that are true extra virgin, can be completely different one from the other and have completely different flavors as well as [...]

By |February 15th, 2019|best olive oils, extra virgin olive oil, FOOD LABELS|Comments Off on How to buy or choose the best extra virgin olive oil

Italian Easter food traditions: egg in the bread recipe

In Puglia we have many traditional foods that are only prepared during the Easter week. And each Italian region has different Easter food traditions. What we like about about our Easter recipes is that they are simple and made with very local and seasonal ingredients. One of the most traditional [...]

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil makes a wonderful Christmas gift

Taste one of the best Italian extra virgin olive oils from Puglia in Southern Italy specifically made for Stile Mediterraneo Cooking School Puglia following Cinzia Rascazzo's guidelines

By |January 19th, 2017|Puglia Extra virgin olive oil, Stile Mediterraneo extra virgin olive oil|Comments Off on Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil makes a wonderful Christmas gift