how to buy Extra virgin olive oil

Health benefits of extra virgin olive oils: Vitamin E and antioxidants

Extra virgin olive oil is made of, among the other things, oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acids which reduces the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases the level of HDL (good) cholesterol), Vitamins E, A, D, polyphenols (1). Thanks to the intake of the monounsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids, polyphenols, extra [...]

How to buy or choose the best extra virgin olive oil

Know what you eat! Not all extra virgn olive oils are the same! I am not talking about adulterated oil. Even those labeled as “extra virgin olive oils”, and that are true extra virgin, can be completely different one from the other and have completely different flavors as well as [...]

How to buy the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil

HOW TO BUY THE BEST EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL I am often told by those attending our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting Tours of the difficulties in selecting the best extra virgin olive oil or even just a good olive oil when they shop at home. They are not familiar with [...]


10 RULES TO BUY THE BEST EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL   When you want to buy the best extra virgin olive oil, you should first read carefully the information provided on the label. You need to know that food products need to have a label that respects laws and regulations [...]