Mediterranean Healthy food

Healthy Mediterranean food from Puglia Italy

How to buy the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil

HOW TO BUY THE BEST EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL I am often told by those attending our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting Tours of the difficulties in selecting the best extra virgin olive oil or even just a good olive oil when they shop at home. They are not familiar with [...]

By |March 21st, 2013|best olive oils, cuisine, extra virgin olive oil, Mediterranean Healthy food, Puglia, Puglia Extra virgin olive oil|Comments Off on How to buy the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Mediterranean Diet shown to be better for the heart than a low-fat diet

A massive and rigorous new study conducted on 7,447 people in Spain showed that 30% of heart diseases and deaths can be prevented switching to a Mediterranean diet rich in extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seafood, beans, fruit and vegetables. Low-fat diets did not reach these great results! CBSNEWS wrote today: "If you want to [...]

By |March 21st, 2013|cuisine, Mediterranean Healthy food, Puglia|Comments Off on Mediterranean Diet shown to be better for the heart than a low-fat diet

Why the Mediterranean diet or cuisine is so important

Why is the Mediterranean diet so important? The article in the Wall Street Journal clearly explains why the latest results of the massive study conducted on more than 7,000 patients in Spain and published Monday in the New England Journal of Medicine are extremely important. The WSJ  says "Few previous [...]

By |March 4th, 2013|Mediterranean Healthy food, Puglia Extra virgin olive oil|Comments Off on Why the Mediterranean diet or cuisine is so important

Mediterranean diet: cooking with herbs and cutting salt

One of the reasons why the Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest cuisines in the world is that we use very little salt and cook with lots of herbs and spices, from oregano to basil, parsley, thyme, rosemary, garlic, fennel and chilly pepper.

By |April 7th, 2011|cuisine, healthy eating, Mediterranean Healthy food, Vegetables & Legumes|Comments Off on Mediterranean diet: cooking with herbs and cutting salt