best extra virgin olive oils

Top extra virgin olive oils from Puglia Italy

Micronutrients such as Vitamins, polyphenols / antioxidants, are super important for our health. This year our Green Season and Equilibrium extra virgin olive oils are some of the best we have ever made in Puglia Italy. They are super rich in polyphenols / antioxidants and it's all thanks to Nature since nothing is added. This is a proof that we should focus on food as medicine and regenerative agriculture. Nature already provides us with everything we need.

By |December 6th, 2024|Antioxidants, best olive oils, food as medicine, healthy eating, healthy longevity|Comments Off on Top extra virgin olive oils from Puglia Italy

Micronutrients and my wonderful tomato sauce

A new study says that more than 5 billion people consume inadequate levels of several micronutrients (Vitamins, antioxidants and minerals) essential to health. We need to invest in regenerative agriculture and switch to stakeholders capitalism, taking care of consumersì health, the planet health while making profit

By |September 7th, 2024|Antioxidants, best olive oils, healthy longevity, Mediterranean Diet, stakeholders capitalism|Comments Off on Micronutrients and my wonderful tomato sauce

ONLINE COURSE: best and healthiest oils to use for cooking and deep-frying

Learn about the best and healthiest oils to use for cooking and deep frying. From what it means to be virgin or extra virgin (it’s not just about the first press!), to the differences between olive oil, coconut, palm and other oils, to the fume points and health benefits of the [...]