What we find really find interesting about the cuisine of our region, Puglia, is that wherever you go, you eat what´s produced in that specific place.
Therefore, you can have the best seafood and fish only when you go to a town which is literally by the sea (such as Gallipoli, Otranto, Santa Maria di Leuca).
In such places it will be very hard to find anyone serving you meat courses.
Viceversa when you go to a town which is not by the sea (even just 5 miles from the sea!!) the cuisine will be mainly based on meat…and it will be hard to find a big variety of seafood on the restaurants menus.
Puglia is certainly not a place for big beef steaks. The local meat is mainly lamb, veal and pork. When you come to Puglia you have to try the fantastic sausages and salami.
Also, our favorite meat is the bombetta,which is a sort of roll made of pork meat, stuffed with sea salt, back pepper, parsley and cheese. Bombette and sausages are delicious when grilled.
The best place where to eat good meat is all the Murgia area, which includes: Cisternino, Martina Franca, Alberobello, Locorotondo.
If you go to Cisternino don’t miss the “Fornello” experience at night. Cisternino is small hilltop town with a spectacular panorama of the countryside. At night all butchers are open until very late. At the butcher shop you can choose your favorite lamb, bombette or sausages. Then you get your meat grilled just at the trattoria next door. An unforgettable and delicious experience that you can only have in Cisternino!